Here’s the Best Way To Do Laundry to Save Money on Your Energy Bill

The reduction of your energy bills is an effective method to save money, in addition, the washing room is an ideal starting point. Laundry machines and washers take up lots of electricity and water (or gas for gas dryers) and this is especially true when you're using an older model.

However, you don't have to wash and dry your clothes in order to save money. Here are a few simple and easy adjustments you can make to reduce the energy consumption of your dryer and washer's energy usage.

Don't be obsessed with the temperature of your water.

If the label for clothing indicates the temperature at which it is recommended choose the cold setting prior to starting washing your laundry. 90% of the energy required for washing a load is put to heating the water as per Consumer Reports. Therefore, you can reduce your power consumption by using cold water.

Don't be concerned about not getting your clothes clean when you wash them in cold water also. Many detergents are designed to perform better when used with colder water. When you choose the cold setting you actually get more sanitary clothes. A further benefit is cold water can help prevent faded color as well.

For certain loads, such as sheets and towels hot water is a more suitable option to eliminate bacteria. The rest is safe in cold water.

Cool your dryer and dryer

A higher setting of heat for your dryer will use more energy. Use a lower setting (and an extended dry time) to save energy.

Be sure to utilize the cool-down option in your dryer as well. This will end the load using the heat already present in the dryer instead of creating more.

Increase the speed of drying

The quicker your clothes are drythe more you'll be spending on electricity. If you're cutting down on temperature of the heating system it is necessary to speed up drying process in other ways. There are many methods to improve the efficiency of your dryer.

The first step is to ensure that the area is clean. The airways that move hot humid cool air from the clothing must be free of debris and lint. Airways that are blocked will keep humid air in the drum of dryers alongside your clothes, making drying your clothes take longer.

Therefore, each time you fill the dryer, you should be sure to clear the lint trap completely. Every year, you should vacuum out the vents and air hose that is coming out of the back of your dryer too. Below are some ways to deep clean the dryer.

The second option is to help make the transport of moist air easier by reducing the hose with the shape of an accordion that is that is located on to the side of the dryer. A shorter hose will allow your dryer to work 20 percent more efficiently since it doesn't need to move the humid air to the same distance. If your hose doesn't have any extra length, move the dryer to be closer to an vents in the floor or wall Then, trim the hose down to shorter length.

Thirdly third, give your clothes another spin in the washing machine. The elimination of water could speed up drying process by nearly half.

Don't forget to pack your dryer. Clothes require space to spin around before getting dry. The best general rule is to the dryer to two-thirds the complete.

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